Monday, January 02, 2006

I Did My Holiday Baking Yesterday!

I was so behind in all my Holiday plans, that I ended up doing my baking yesterday. Yes it was January 1st! Oh, well, at least I did it, right?
We lived through all the Christmas concerts, family get togethers, and the unrelenting flus, colds and fevers. We even went shopping on Boxing Day (with the kids in tow). Nuts, yes! But now I have my Eliptical Trainer and we have a Playstation 2 with ten games! I am a little jealous of all the time Trevor and the boys are spending on the PS2, mostly 'cause I don't feel I have had my fair share of game time! But soon enough, Trevor will be back at work and the boys will be in school, then I will have plenty of time to waste on something that really has no purpose.
I am attaching a couple pictures of the kids in front of our White Trash Family Christmas tree.
I know of some "Muffy type moms" who won't hang their kids ornaments and the kids don't get to lay a finger on the tree. I couldn't imagine taking that away from my kids. Without kids the whole spirit of Christmas is lost, if you take away these small moments from them, what do they have left. It may sound dramatic, but I believe that these small things is how they hang on to their innocence. If they don't feel special enough to be allowed to help decorate the family Christmas tree with the decorations that they painstakingly created, where does that leave them in terms of importance to the world.
Whoa, I got deep there for a moment, huh?
Anyway, what I am trying to say is that Christmas is for the kids, don't take any part of it away from them!
Happy New Year, this one's gonna be GREAT!

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