Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Nystrom Grandchildren

Somehow we managed, at the last minute to gather all together the 13 Nystrom (Great) Grandchildren.

This was the best picture. I like it in black and white best.

Holiday Summary 2006

Well, we all had a wonderful Christmas! Although Cordell was quite sick there for awhile. He had a temp. of 103', and was throwing up on Saturday morn. On Christmas morning we had to coax him to open his presents, 'cause he just wasn't up for it. I was lucky enough to get tickets for Evanesence (Stone Sour and Black Maria are opening). Lisa and I are going. Sadly the last concert her and I went to together was Def Lepard "Do You Wanna Get Rocked?" tour.

Trevor said that he was gonna get me my Eternity Pendant that I wanted, but decided not to.

I told him that was okay, he could still get it for me for our 10th anniversary in April.

This is what it looks like... Yeah, I think I am worth it! Now to convince Trevor.
We will be heading to Chris and Lexanne's for New Year's Eve for a sleepover! Oh the caos that will reign!
I had two holiday phone calls that I missed, my cousins Brad and Glen, as well as my Auntie Joan. Since Brad and Geln will be at Lexanne's for New Year's Day (probably hung over...) I'll cathc up with them there. And Auntie Joan I will have to ring her back I suppose since she is on the Island and I won't see her until maybe the summer.
Summer, oh sweet summer...

Sunday, December 17, 2006

New Pics of All of Us...

This is a picture of Cordell in his jammies playing with Army men.

Here is a picture of Trevor, Justine, and I at Lexanne's for Thanksgiving.

In November Tate had a hockey tournament in Drumheller. They lost all 3 of their games, but man did we ever have fun!
His coach is really great! He knows how to motivate them and give them that push that thye need to give a bit more.

Here is our little number eight playing defence.

closer to Christmas...

Okay, I am feeling a little better about the whole Christmas thing. Tree is up and decorated, concerts are over, gifts-90% bought.
Now, to clean the damn house! How do neat people do it. I find that I have a hard time keeping up with the basics like feeding everyone, making sure they have a least one full set of clean clothing, and clean dishes to eat off of. The other areas get so neglected! Like I would die if someone were to see the state of my master bathroom, my computer room, and my scrapbooking studio. I know, I know... I should be cleaning those places instead of being on the computer. But there are people out there (I won't mention my SIL's name she knows who she is...) who have kids, keep their house spotless, and still find time to play on the computer.
I do know it is lack of motivation. I look at the stuff and think, nah... I just don't want to. But then one day I look around me and think where the hell did all this mess come from! Well, I suppose it didn't accumulate in one day so I'm not gonna get it cleaned in one day either.
I have got follow through with a daily tidy system.
Anyway, I give up... I'm turning off the computer and I'm gonna get some done.
I'll let ya know how it went.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

So not ready...

It is the kids' Christmas Concert tonight. I have been out of comission for the past 3-5 days as I had Strep, and I had it bad. Everyone wheo spoke to me during the time I was sick was quite concerned as I sounded as though I was dying. On Friday I had a temp. of 104! I was close to delirious.
Anyway that was the weekend I was hoping toto get the tree put up, so we didn't. Now I wanted to decorate it tonight, but forgot we would be busy tonight. So we HAVE to do it tomorrow night 'cause Sat. morning Tate has a hockey game in Spruce Grove and Trevor works that whole day.
Anyway, in between getting 'caught up (yeah right) on housework tha tgot left since I was sick and getting ready for the whole Christmas thing I figured I better drop a line to everyone.
And NO I am not done all my shopping, but I am done stockings and those are the hardest!
Well, Merry Christmas until I post again...