Sunday, August 12, 2007

Although not official yet,

I am going to college in September. I have my student loan approved, and just have to get official acceptance into the program after submitting my work experience and personal reference papers.

Sunday, August 05, 2007

This bun looks so much like Sam

I suppose this is what ehr babies would've looked like.

Sam the Rabbit is in labor...

The kids told me that she has pulled her fur out to line her nest with, so I thought I would take apicture of the newly fluffed nest.
I found her with one little guy half way out. Since she seemed to be having quite bit of trouble and the baby wasn't movign at all, I gentle held her and pulled him out.
Now she Is just laying down, she doesn't seem to be in labor anymore but still looks as though she has more inside.
I guess now I wait...
I gave her some rapsberry leaves that is supposed to help rabbits when they are pregnant/giving birth. I hope she has at least one that survives.

I will update when I have any news.