Saturday, July 14, 2007

Street Performers...

I talked Lexanne (my lovely sister) into coming with me downtown to the Street Performers. She brought Becca and Spencer. I brought Tate, Cordell, Justine, Matthew, Taylor, and Parker. So, although Becca is pretty self sufficient we had 8 kids between the 2 of us!
It was a great time, and we were all tired by the end of the day.

Wading at City Hall, Justine's Unicorn, Tate's snake.

Can you believe my other niece and nephew were there too! What a fluke that Spencer spotted them sitting just a couple of feet away.

1 comment:

Crystal said...

What a cool outing for everyone! I love the idea that you rode the city bus. I've always thought a great school fieldtrip would be riding the LRT. Please tell Tate that's a cool snake - I know the rest of the boys in grade 3 would have thought so too (Mrs. K - not so much though)!!