Thursday, March 29, 2007

Good -bye Gimli

Our Guinea Pig Gimli passed away last night, from what I assume were natural causes. Although this is our 2nd G.P. to have died in the last 3 years. Frodo the rabbit sure is gonna miss her, they were involved romantically. Depending on how he takes it, I might have to get him another companion. Only thing is it will have to be a G.P. 'cause male rabbits fight with each other, and we all know what would happen if I were to get a female rabbit.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

I am sure Frodo will miss the romantic escapades.Maybe Gimli commited suicide.I don't think he overly enjoyed being pinned in the corner by his cell mate.LOL Yea please don't get a female rabbit.I don't think you would be able to hide bunches of bunnies from the landlord.