Sunday, November 27, 2005

Sending Love to Fellow Bloggers

I have been searching blogs and finding so many interesting people out there. I wish I had more time to read and contemplate, and understand all that everyone has share. I have the opportunity to "chat" with people from all over the world (at my leisure), and to be a part of their lives, as they are invited to be a part of mine (as it is...).
No, I am not being niave in believing I know these people or that they could possibly know me. I just find it like getting to have a variety of sitcomes, dramas, etc. to "watch" , and even get to catch up on some episodes if you happend to miss any.
So to all the bloggers who I agree with (or do not), who I relate with (or do not), who share and reveal parts of their lives for my personal growth and/or personal entertainment, THANK YOU!

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