1. I am the baby of the family, older brother and sister.
2. I look most like my mom
3. I adore cats (I really want a Devon Rex, the almost hairless ones, or rats as my sister calls them)
4. I was born on my sister’s 5th birthday.
5. Even though I got married at 19, I don’t believe anyone should be married before 25.
6. Even though I had my first at 21, I don’t believe anyone should have kids before 27.
7. I love to scrapbook!
8. I a, learning sign language, slowly but surley.
9. I want to take some photography classes
10. I want to learn Carpentry.
11. I started dyeing my hair when I was 14.
12. I used to be a librarian.
13. I used to work at McDonald’s.
14. I used to teach Playschool.
15. I don’t exactly adore the colour pink.
16. I do adore the colour green, esp. lime green!
17. I have 3 best friends, my husband, my sister, and my sister in law (she was my best friend before she was my sister in law)
18. I have green eyes, but when I was a kid they were bright blue.
19. I wanted to be a journalist.
20. Would like to learn about Graphic Design as it would help in the scrapbooking area.
21. My engagement ring was my maternal great grandmother’s.
22. I have VERY short toes. They are almost square, like Fred Flintstone.
23. I have hearing loss in my left ear. I never use that ear for phone calls.
24. Had a hysterectomy at 27, guess it was a good thing I had my kids before I turned 27, huh?
25. Went to 3 different schools in my 6th grade year.
26. Never actually graduatedHigh School, I still need 3 credits.
27. My best friend and I planned on working on a cruise ship after we graduated, never happened.
28. The farthest I have travelled is Spokane, Washignton.
29. I travelled on an airplane for the first time ths summer, to Victoria with my sister.
30. Had my ears pierced 7 times on each side, now there are just 4 hole son each side.
31. Got a tattoo when I was 16.
32. Would love to get more tattoos, but the ones I want would be too much $.
33. Plan to get a navel ring, when (not if) I loose my belly fat (see #86)
34. I chew my lips.
35. I used to chew my finger nails.
36. I have never smoked.
37. I now have 2 tattoos
38. I think my best feature is my full lips.
39. I love 80’s music and movies! Jessie’s Girl/Breakfast Club
40. I have a hard time believing that I am a good enough mom.
41. I love to sing, I am mediocre at it. No, I’m not being modest.
42. I have been smitten with my husband since I was 15.
43. I have been told that my name means “water” in Hawiian, only there is no “j” in the Hawiian alphabet, so it’s obviously spelt wrong.
44. My name is rarely pronounced correctly. You pronounce the “j”. It rhymes with lasagna.
45. If I were to have another baby (see #24) I would name a boy Rowin Christopher Kyle and a girl would be Nadine Elizabeth Marie.
46. I have crazy dreams, that are very detailed, usually about people I don’t even know, and are usually violent or dramatic. Nobody can top my dreams.
47. I can barely use my computer. Trevor just taught me how to cut and paste!
48. I have a book fettish! Love ‘em especially kids classics. I guess that ties into the whole librarian and Playschool Teacher things.
49. I have two middle names (as do all 3 of my kids, my husband, and my brother and sister)
50. I love the Company’s Coming Cookbook Collection, but only have about 7 of them.
51. I am a great cook/baker, but not so great at the cleaing up part.
52. I don’t talk to my mom or dad. Long story, like 29 years (or 34 in my sister’s case, or 36 in my brother’s)
53. I have three kids, not even 2 years between the next.
54. I love working out, I just don’t like to start working out.
55. I am pro life, but I do understand extreme circumstances.
56. I not only took Automotives I had the best grade in the class. I did so well on the tests, it drove all the guys crazy, ‘cause they really knew how to do all this stuff I just studied the material.
57. Regardless of #56, I have never changed oil or a tire.
58. I am not believe in a specific religion, but I do believe in a God(dess) type being.
59. I was baptised into the Mormon church when I was 15.
60. We have a rabbitt, a guinea pig, a newt and some fish.
61. I dream of going to Australia some day.
62. I have a thing for guys with British or Australian accents.
63. I love quotes. I think a book of quotes would make a great birthday present!
64. I went to 2 schools for my grade 12 year (partially why it was hard for me to get my credits, but mostly ‘cause I never attended classes)
65. I failed Math 23 twice, the third time I got a 49% and the teacher begged the principal to just pass me.
66. Regardless to what #64 and 65 might make you presume, I am NOT a complete idiot.
67. If Justine moves out by the time she is 20, I will be an empty nester when I am 44 years old. (not rushing anything, just a thought)
68. I have never broken any body part.
69. I am a little over obsessed with the stars. I watch Entertainment Tonight as often I can, and I know who dated who, who is related to who, watch movies they were in, and with who. It was a good thing when I worked in a movie rental place.
70. I am ¼ German, ¼ Russian, 1/4 British, and ¼ Irish, at least that’s what I’m told.
71. I have had the same email address for the past 7 years.
72. I believe in past lives and reincarnation.
73. I am addicted to blogs.
74. I can flip my tongue upside down, and can tie a cherry stem with my tongue.
75. I can sew quite well, but don’t really enjoy it. I don’t like to be told what to do. To me a pattern is being told what to do.
76. I LOVE live music and live theatre but rarely get to enjoy any. Last concert I was at was over 5 years ago and the last play I attended was when I was a teen.
77. I never cried when I got married or when any of my kids were born, but I will cry at a sappy commercial.
78. I am a major wussy-pants!. If I watch a scary movie I have to run and jump onto my bed so nothing grabs me.
79. My favourite numbers are 3, 5, and 7. I have 3 kids, Trevor’s hockey number is 55, and all of us have a 7 in our birthdays, except the party crasher Diva J. But she has acool b-day # 10, 10, 01.
80. I love the plain M&Ms, not the peanut, I don’t mind the almond.
81. My favourite season is definitely fall. I sometimes think I should’ve named Justine Autumn instead.
82. I think the concept or vegetarianism is so right, but I couldn’t live without meat. I guess it is a choice and what you become accustomed to.
83. I have always wanted to dye my hair smurf blue. Maybe this summer.
84. I shoplifted when I was in the 4th grade, and was mortified that my Grandmother found out. 85. My teeth, although relatively straight, so need to be bleached!
86. If I could change 1 feature right now, I would get rid of my belly fat.
87. I am very flirty.
88. Love coffee.
89. I like Coke more than Pepsi.
90. I would love to go the spa/salon if I had more expendable income, and a babysitter.
91. The school where I went for kindergarten, grade one, and part of two was torn down about 10 years ago.
92. I have been told that I am a kind person.
93. Lilacs are my favourite flower and my favourite scent.
94. I have been doing childcare off and on for the last 11 years, 18 if you count when I started to babysit when I was 11 years old.
95. Next year will be my last year doing childcare (other than my own)
96. My complexion is so pale, that I am almost transparent.
97. I would love to take a martial arts/kickboxing class.
98. I have never had a garden of my own.
99. Wanted to be a Solid Gold Dancer when I was little.
100. I am working on gettting the $ together to get my Bachelor of Arts in Pyschology online, then moving on to my Masters.