Saturday, April 08, 2006

Green Album

As I stated in my last post, I LOVE green. So I have started a green album. Some of the green themes in my new album are the green girl
M & M, she's so cute!, the band Green Day (have loved 'em since "Dookie"), margaritas, my eyes are green, I am part Irish (or so I'm told), green traffics lights are my fave (okay I may be stretching the green theme here), love kiwis and plan on going to Australia some day, let me know if anyone can think of any others.
So here is the 6 x 6 Layout I did on Green Day. Notice the stars (like Billie's tatoos), and see the black flower with the green "be" centre, the black petals are made with black photo holders (I think that is what people call 'em). The "M" is for Mike, the "B" for Billie Joe, and the "T" is for Trey Cool.

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