Thursday, December 14, 2006

So not ready...

It is the kids' Christmas Concert tonight. I have been out of comission for the past 3-5 days as I had Strep, and I had it bad. Everyone wheo spoke to me during the time I was sick was quite concerned as I sounded as though I was dying. On Friday I had a temp. of 104! I was close to delirious.
Anyway that was the weekend I was hoping toto get the tree put up, so we didn't. Now I wanted to decorate it tonight, but forgot we would be busy tonight. So we HAVE to do it tomorrow night 'cause Sat. morning Tate has a hockey game in Spruce Grove and Trevor works that whole day.
Anyway, in between getting 'caught up (yeah right) on housework tha tgot left since I was sick and getting ready for the whole Christmas thing I figured I better drop a line to everyone.
And NO I am not done all my shopping, but I am done stockings and those are the hardest!
Well, Merry Christmas until I post again...

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