Sunday, April 22, 2007

Crazy Dreams

I have THE craziest dreams. I have always said that I should write them all down so I can use them for short stories or movie scripts.
So I'll share some of my main dream from last night with ya.
I dunno exactly when this was supposed to have taken place, but it was after 2010 because apparently in June of 2010 there was a major terrorist attack in Canada.
The dream took place in a huge building seemed like either a museum or a government building. I was there with the school for a fieldtrip (Trevor and all the kids were there too).
It was really crowded, there were a lot of other school groups there. All of the sudden they started to round us all up into groups. There were security guards who wouldn't let us leave from the specified area. I snuck out so I could find the kids and Trevor. This started major rebellion, since other families had been separated as well. (Leave it up to me to start chaos)
There were alarms going off outside (like the storm warning siren). We all started talking about the terrorist attacks in 2010, and wondered if this was another one. There was lots of looking for people, helping others find their families, sneaking away from the guards, but finally the doors were opened and we found that all the buildings in the area (office buildinsg etc.) had also been locked up. At this point Diva woke me up, so I never found out what the cause of all the commotion was.

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