Monday, March 12, 2007

General Update

Just had to post this picture of this bare tree with all the hoar frost on it. Reminds me so much of Grandma Kerr.

Trevor has been in Reno for 4 days now, 8 more to go. He seems pretty busy building the displays and what not. Him and Darren take a hot tub each night at the hotel after they have done their work for the day.

Tate and his hockey team are now in the "A" Finals of the Novice division for our area. They will play Calahoo this weekend. He has also really brought up his marks this term! I must give kudos to his teacher, she is wonderful. Understanding, but firm.

Justine, although she has regressed as far as behaviour, has started to realise the negative effect that she has when she has her tantrums. Her new teacher put it in words that she could understand. She told her that she had a bad habit of releasing her frustrations on me. As well, her teacher pointed out that I was jumping in and feeding the fire with my reaction. So "CALM" is our new word. It really has been working! Justine still enjoys all that encompasses entertainment, singing, dancing, performing in general.

Cordell is doing amazing in school all Es for Excellent, w/one 2+ in printing (he doesn't form his letters quite right). He is really enjoying his swimming lessons this go 'round, and wants to join the Leduc Otters Swim Team after spring break.

Me, I am just waiting to hear if I have a 2nd part time position at the school. Would really love to work fulltime. I get a lot of self esteem and support from the staff. I really like being part of a 2nd family there, a semi normal one. Not that it is hard to be less messed up than my family.

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