Tuesday, July 31, 2007

video didn't work

so here are some

pics of Sami!

I am going to try to post a video of my rabbit, Sam preparing her nest. She is due tomorrow, really they could be here anytime now...

Justine graciously loaned her bin to Sam for her nest.

Sunshine, Lollipops, Rainbows...

I don't know how the rest of the song goes... it just fit the pictures.

Trevor got these great pics of Cordell and Justine while I was at work last night.

Bethel Bible Camp, Tate's 1st Year!

I am so jealous! I would love to be able to go back and relive Bethel Bible camp. It was a place where you felt like even if you didn't "fit in" (cause you family didn't go to church on a regular basis), people still accepted you. This was a place that I felt true unconditional love. Tate, you will have such a wonderful time here. Knowing this was the only way I was able to leave you for 6 days! I am excited to hear your stories and happy that you get to have this experience. See you on Firday.

Tate's 9th birthday, Bowling

We went bowling for Tate's ninth birthday party, the cake was even bowling themed. Tate got $95 cash, a Gameboy game, a sleeping bag, and he will be getting a new bed from us. We hope to have all his stuff moved down the the downstairs room
by Friday, the day he comes home from camp...

Sunday, July 29, 2007


OMG! This was such a fantastic movie! I never realized when I had heard of hairspray in the past that it was such a political movie. The message of discrimination racial and against overweight/imperfect people was one that I can really appreciate. I DO NOT want my daughter to grow up with the message that someone is less than others because of their appearance.
Okay, that said.... Check out Zac Efron,! He plays Link (the hero), who falls in love with the "fat" girl.
I had the hardest time sitting still in my seat. I was dying to start belting out the songs and groovin'.
You need to make sure you go see it! Even if you don't like musicals, go see it!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Michael Bublé - Everything

Lvoe how smooth his voice his! Soft but so masculine!

Friday, July 20, 2007


I think it would be so great to be able to save up for Trevor and get him one of these for next spring. Might not be exactly what he wants, but there is NO WAY I can see us affording a
$10, 000 machine that is purely recreational. So it is eitehr this, nor nothing... http://www.offroaddirect.ca/product_kazuma250.php?colour=BLUE

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Miss May

This is a pic of me from our Vegas trip. Was such a great time! Want to go again, but think I would like to take a family trip to Mexico.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Close My eyes Forever

This is mine and Trevor's song. Would've been our sedding song, only we eloped!

Street Performers...

I talked Lexanne (my lovely sister) into coming with me downtown to the Street Performers. She brought Becca and Spencer. I brought Tate, Cordell, Justine, Matthew, Taylor, and Parker. So, although Becca is pretty self sufficient we had 8 kids between the 2 of us!
It was a great time, and we were all tired by the end of the day.

Wading at City Hall, Justine's Unicorn, Tate's snake.

Can you believe my other niece and nephew were there too! What a fluke that Spencer spotted them sitting just a couple of feet away.

Edmonton Street Performers

The kids got a kick out of riding a "city bus". Cordell as a Dragon Rider. And my FAVE performer Mario Queen of the Circus! You can see his videos here... http://www.marioqueenofthecircus.com/videos.html

Sunday, July 08, 2007

South Park-Pot Pie

Other than what the mom says at the end, this is one of the funniest South Park quotes.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Inside Scrapbooking

OMG, this is a bit more, too funny!!!

Addictive Scrapbooking

This is so funny, and so close to the actual truth!

Friday, July 06, 2007

Our vacation out at the lake!

Love this pic above!

This one is gonna mostly be pictures...